Specialist in cat litter
Zijderlaan Retail Services is a supplier specialising in packaging single raw materials into consumer products for pets. Our close involvement with international suppliers enables us to select the right raw materials with a focus on quality and diversity.
Cat litter range
Our range includes a wide variety of mineral raw materials suitable for cat litter, including Bentonite, Attapulgite, Alganite, Sepiolite, Zeolite and Calcium Silicate. We also offer organic materials such as Virgin/Recycled wood pellets and straw pellets. In addition, we have various other products like wood fibre, hay, straw and flax in different varieties and sizes.
Custom range
We are happy to work with you to create a complete range or product line suitable for your organisation or stores.
Quality assurance
To guarantee the quality of our products, Zijderlaan Retail Services has its own laboratory where daily checks are conducted on incoming and outgoing goods. We are certified according to ISO 90001:2015 and BRC Consumer Products, thereby demonstrating our high quality standards.
Security of supply
Our products have a high turnover rate on the shop floor, so we maintain large stocks in order to always deliver Just-In-Time. Thanks to our 10 packaging lines, we control the production and can quickly and flexibly respond to our customers' needs. This applies both to private labels and to our own brand, Agriselect. Agriselect.
Innovation and sustainability
Zijderlaan Retail Services focuses on innovation and sustainability. We strive to continually improve our range and add sustainable solutions. We use recycled wood pellets and work hard to firmly establish other sustainable products in the market.